MLM Training - How to do a (live or recorded) conference call or presentation

MLM training - Listen, if you're business minded and you want to build a business for the long term and you want to market more of what you got, what you must do is expose your services to more people. You want as many full presentations going on as possible for your product or services. You want as many fresh new prospects as you can and you want to keep and cultivate all personal and business acquaintances you ever encounter:

A. Offer something of value to your base of contacts
B. Build and add to your base of contacts
C. Cultivate and gather info about your contacts
D. Organize your contacts in a contact manager system
E. Communicate with and help them whenever possible!!!

Your business is like a garden, you have to plant and nourish the seeds and then you must be patient to a degree to watch them grow. If you don't plant the seeds today, how can you have the trees tomorrow?

IF YOU KNEW that at least 30% of all prospects who attended one of your events, presentations or demonstrations was going to end up getting involved, then how many people could you get to simply attend the "event" or simply sit down to see the "information"? How many people would you invite? If you invited 50 people, then probably about say 1 out of 5 good invites would actually attend your event or sit down to your presentation. That's 10 new prospects actually attending your event. Wouldn't you agree that if you had 10 new prospects at your next event would create at least probably 3 new customers/partners?

Here's an idea of the kind of marketing message you can get to the people on your list. Just have them visit a message like this for example. I invite you to listen to a Brief audio message on PPL Services. You can use this format for almost any MLM business.

You want to have a simple presentation format such as:

A: Introduction
B. Product/service demonstration (Analytical)
C. Customer testimonial stories (Emotional)
D. Business/opportunity presentation (Analytical)
E. Business associate testimonial stories (Emotional)
F. Top speaker CLOSES!!

Ok look, here's a simple strategy... business is based on quantity of quality exposures with face to face, direct selling by way of a demonstration or presentation of a product, service or business opportunity and this will get even more results when done in groups.

This is why we do what we call Private Business Receptions where we plan a time to meet with potential clients and/or business partners and then once we have simply set a time to meet these people anywhere reasonable and simply follow the presentation format as shown above.

Essentially you and/or your company/associates are simply creating a 'business event' and then you are promoting it.

  • Meeting places could include your home, prospects home, at a coffee shop, a hotel room, lobby or conference room, a restaurant, a personal office, company office or any other place where prospects have the ability to sit down for anywhere from 30-90 minutes...even an outdoors area on a nice day! The main thing is to "Get em there!"
  • Promote your 'event' in many different ways. The most effective way is to invite the people you actually know and see on a daily basis because they are additional warm bodies that you have the strongest influence over. They are your family members, coworkers and other close associations. As your business grows, these will likely end up being of your strongest business partners overall.
  • Invite people to your 'event' using the different forms of communication in a certain order of effectiveness. The most effective form of invitation is done face to face. Then the second most effective is the telephone and the third most effective is the internet and other automated means such as text/email/etc. That being said, the most effective way is in person and that is what you would want to spend the majority of your time doing is inviting people you actually meet face to face on a daily basis, however the phone is a very effective tool for quickly contact a lot of prospects and inviting them out as well. The main thing is to be an effective promoter of your event. To get as many people to come watch your presentation. The main thing is to focus on effectiveness of your promoting ability, to get the maximum number of prospects to actually show up. This involves making, inviting, cultivating, growing and re-inviting your 'list'.
  • As you are contacting your prospects to invite them, make a note of the result of the call. There are different ways to manage your list of prospects, but what you mainly need is the prospects name and phone number to initiate a lead. You can then go on to 'cultivate your list' as a back up to your invitation process.
  • Contact each prospect with your main intention being to invite them to your live business briefing but if they can't or won't attend your event, as a back up, you can cultivate the prospect by say asking for an mailing address and/or email address where you can maybe just send some free information they can take a look at and call you back if they change their mind. This will allow you to communicate with prospects through a different medium such as a mail out or auto-responder email campaign.
  •  As your group grows, have new business partners switch off doing parts of the presentation to add credibility and create a team environment.
mlm training

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